Penistone Footpath Runners

Fell League

No pain, no gain

The 2024/25 Fell League

The competition runs from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. All first claim members' results in all FRA licenced senior races count towards the league – you get points for every race, without any limit, and you get more points the faster you run.

All FRA licenced senior races count, which includes all 9 Trunces, Hartcliff Hill and Thurlstone Chase, as well as all the Club Championship Fell Section races, English Championships, etc.

The results are updated frequently, but the onus is on the runner to tell me (Paul Fryers) of their results: I can't check the results of every race to find PFR runners, although where there is a big turnout I don't need everyone to supply their own result. Just tell me the race you ran and your time. Please send results as soon after the races as possible, and no later than six weeks after the race. This is partly to make administration easier, and partly to ensure that the competition is fair and everyone knows what other competitors have done. Results sent in more than six weeks after the race will not be included in the league. If the race results have not been published anywhere in six weeks I will include them when they are available, as long as I've been told about the race within six weeks. At the end of the year there will be a shorter deadline to ensure results are finalised in time for the club presentation evening.


Current standings for 2024/25.

Results for previous years: 2017 2018 onwards

Past Fell League winners

Qualifying Runners

All members who are first claim Penistone for fell races will be included. Members joining (or re-joining) during the year will only have results counted from the date their subscription has been paid.

Qualifying Races

All qualifying races are listed in the FRA fixtures calendar on the FRA website. Qualifying races are those registered with the FRA, which includes most of those listed in the calendar – on each race page, under PERMIT / INSURANCE, if it says This race has a Permit and associated UK Athletics insurance from the FRA it will count in the fell league. (Some other races are listed in the FRA calendar for information but are not FRA registered races). Senior races are those with no upper age limit: results for juniors running in senior races (where permitted) will be included in the league.


Points are awarded according to your time in relation to the fastest male/female runner on the day. If you are first man or first lady you get 100 points. If you take exactly double the time of the winner you get 50 points. For anyone who wants to know the technical details of the calculations: your time is divided by the winner's time, and the log(base 2) is taken of the resulting ratio. This is then subtracted from 2 and the result multiplied by 50 to give your points. For orienteering score format races the points are calculated by dividing your score (points net of any time penalties) by the winner's net score.  Awards are given, at the discretion of the club officials, for the overall male and female winners and the winners in each age group. If two members finish level on points (unlikely that they will, exactly), the older runner will be placed higher. In the results, age categories will be based on age on January 1st of the competition year, not age on the day of the race.


Prizes are awarded for first place in each 5-year age group, male and female.