Penistone Footpath Runners
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SY Road League Race 4 Information

The race will start at 19:15 on Wednesday 22nd May on Horn Lane close to Ingbirchworth Reservoir. Race HQ and the venue for the presentation after the race will be the Fountain pub on Wellthorne Lane, Ingbirchworth. The race route is here.

Parking is available at Yummy Yorkshire, a farm complex with cafe/restaurant located about 400 yards past the turn off to the Fountain on the A629 between Penistone and Huddersfield on the left hand side. Any overflow parking will be on the left hand side of Falledge Lane, which is the road to Upper Denby from Ingbirchworth off the main A629. It is 10 minutes walk from the car park to the race HQ, and a further 20 minutes walk from race HQ to the start of the race.

The car park at Yummy Yorkshire will be closed and locked at 21:30. No facilities will be available at Yummy Yorkshire apart from parking.

Toilets and Baggage: please do not use the roads or paths around the residential parts of Ingbirchworth. A portable toilet will be located near the finish, which most runners will pass through on the way to the start. There will also be 2 portable toilets located in the holding area before the start (see below). We can also use the toilets at the Fountain but please be mindful of diners using the pub and show them respect. There will also be a baggage area at the Fountain.

Race Start will be on Horn Lane which is on the opposite side of Ingbirchworth Reservoir and about a mile from the Fountain, so please allow plenty of time to get to the start. There will be a holding area for the runners prior to the start, on a track at the junction of Annat Royd Lane and Horn Lane. It can be reached by going across the dam wall from the Fountain and following the road to the right (0.8 miles). From there the runners will be led the 400 yards on the road to the start.

The course is left handed (anticlockwise). You will be directed at each junction (1 to 10 on map) by marshals. A lead car will direct the lead runners. Please keep to the left unless instructed by marshals at the 2 right turns on the course. The course is a steady climb for the first 1.2 miles. After turning left onto Whitley Road the course is fairly flat on the top ridge; enjoy the views! It starts to go downhill after the dog leg as you approach the windmills on your left. At the end of Whitley Road you turn left up a short sharp hill at Royd Moor Hill between marshal points 5 and 6.  At 6 you turn left back onto Spicer House Lane going downhill. There's a slight rise before turning right onto Annat Royd Lane: a marshal will indicate where to get over to the right at this point in preparation for turning right down Annat Royd Lane. The last 1.2 miles is all downhill or flat back along the reservoir back towards the Fountain. The finish is just beyond where the dam wall finishes.

Presentation and Après Race

Please join us at the Fountain for the presentation of prizes for the race series. Anyone wanting food at the Fountain should book in advance. 

Please show the residents of Ingbirchworth and other users of the Fountain respect by using the allocated parking and facilities provided.